Hong Kong film crew episode

In late February this year, I was contacted by a Hong Kong film crew visiting NYC for a story on subway musicians.  Ever game to share my experiences, I set up a date to meet. With crew in tow, producer Avis Chan including Taiwanese singer Janice Yan, came to my apartment in Murray Hill. I invited Janice to sing with me in the subway. After a funny discussion about songs we could possibly do together, we settled on the song Crazy by Gnarls Barkley. And I was just crazy enough to give it a try. The next day we met at the information clock in Grand Central. You can imagine the sight as we all walked towards my scheduled performance location at the Shuttle. Watching the commuters getting out of the way of the cameras, or trying to be in the way was hysterical. Janice helped me to set up and not only did she have her first experience singing in the subway, but as if on cue, a group of Performing Arts HS students stopped to listen and were easily enticed into joining us. That's the power of music, and why I not only love singing in public spaces, but allow the spontaneous, the out of the ordinary to evolve and present itself.    

Avis asked what to me was iconic NYC. I immediately thought of the subway token, something I still miss. She gave me a collection of tokens. A very lovely gift. Enjoy the episode.

clip of the HS kids for my Inspiration Project:

Jared Inspired Busker + Don community seeker

Traveling on my way to the ALIA summer 2013 institute conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia
I met Jared at a truck stop in New Brunswick. He so inspired me by sitting there with all the cars and trucks coming and going.
What inspires Jared? "My heritage."
I met Don in Heartwood Cafe in Halifax, NS 
What inspires Don? "Curiosity, new people, learning new things…and having fun!"

Çiğdem Y. Mirol + Elliot Samuel Paul Inspired

 I met Çiğdem Y. Mirol and Elliot Samuel Paul as they were taking a picture of Çiğdem and her book translated from Turkish "Myface Book." We hit it off and chatted about inspiration.  I was already inspired having sax player Jimmy "Rhythm" (real name James Taylor-no fooling) show up to jam with me.  We were performing Love Is In Need and I asked Elliot to join in (he told me he was a singer), and to my happy surprise he did. Elliot is the co-founder of an amazing non-profit website called creativitypost.com, a place for creatives to connect. Of course I am intrigued. 



Nathan Madden inspiration

I met dancer Danny Madden (currently in Chicago on Broadway) as he walked through Union Square and stopped to listen.  We chatted and so I got a chance to ask my favorite question.

What inspires Nathan? "Relationships between people, and our ability to really engage in them or not, so when you see people really engaging and expressing themselves I think that's art and that's inspiration."   

What's Your Inspiration?

Tony sawyouonthetrain.com

I met Tony at Union Square he filmed me for his website sawyouonthetrain.com I love that he is so inspired by subway musicians and helping others get a chance to hear us. Thanks Tony

What inspires Tony? "Success, the good in people." He was hit hard by super storm Sandy and experienced the goodness of the people who helped him out. he wants to give back, pay it forward.

What's your inspiration?

here's the clip Tony made of my song  Comin' Back To Me

Harper + Carter inspired

I met Carter at 54 Below when we both performed as part of Susie Mosher's Backstage show.  I invited Carter to come and jam with me at my subway gig and she showed up with her friend Harper. It was fun sharing what it's like to perform in a very busy station. 

What inspires Carter? "People, no matter where they come from, they're beautiful." and Harper? "women, nature, paintings, cinema."

here's a full version clip of

Carter's song St. Peter's song 

What's your inspiration?

Courtney Bassett inspired subway jam

While playing in Union Square I met Courtney who stopped to listen.  What inspires Courtney?  "People, nature, strong women."  Ely from Israel was also listening and joined in. He took the camera to film us singing Imagine.  Ely wasn't sure what Inspiration meant. I pointed to his heart and said "what's in here."  His response?  "Peace, love and music." This is a wonderful example of the people I meet who by chance slow down and listen or just join in. 

What's your inspiration?

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Luellen Abdoo MUNY violinist performs "Luango"

Walking through Grand Central's Graybar corridor I met Music Under NY violinist Luellen Abdoo. I asked her what inspires her. Music and people. Here's her world premiere of a new composition "Luango" by composer Joe Gianono.  There's lovely work being performed in public spaces, you just have to go out and find it.

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Petula Beckles MUNY artist

I walked past Petula as she was singing "I Want To Thank You" to the commuters passing by........ I had the chance to be on the judging panel when she auditioned last year and so happy to see that she is now on the MUNY roster!

Her voice so inspirational to me.

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Heard-NY Nick Cave Inspiration

A sensory performance art piece.  A visual mixture of color, music and movement. Live percussionist and harp, and dancers from the Ailey school. Creative Time and MTA Arts For Transit have joined together to present visual artist Nick Cave and his HEARD-NY.  Performances have been going since Monday and will end Sunday March 31st 11am + 2pm (get there 1/2 hour early to be able to get a seat-kids are allowed a special section).

As someone who performs in public spaces, to get a chance to witness a live (and free) performance art piece is such a thrill. The Vanderbilt Hall is an amazing place on any given day, the high ceilings the natural reverberation, but with Nick Cave's piece it comes alive with delight.

What I loved about my experience watching HEARD-NY were the multi-layered sounds as the dancers fitted under horse costumes (yet so much more than that) the materials dragged and snapped the floor all mixed in with children's voices of glee.

In the summer of 2010 I also enjoyed another Creative Time installation by Paul Rameriez Jonas' Key To The City. You can see what inspires Paul here.

Learn more about Arts For Transit

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Subway Trombone Jam with Jake Handelman

Just another example of the freedom and spontaneous jamming with another musician that I experience while performing in the subway.  I had previously met trombonist Jake Handelman at LIRR station and we had a fun jam.  Here we met again at 34th st and had fun with my song Good Thing.
What Inspires Jake? "People make the world go round, without other people you can't put anything together, you can't get any new ideas. You just need to keep livin…just put yourself out there."


Good Thing words + music Cathy Grier SESAC singerfish publishing

edited by Dan Kleederman

2012 Music Under NY auditions clip

The annual Music Under NY auditions are fast approaching (deadline for 2013 applications must be postmarked by March 20th). Here's a clip I made from last year.  The audition is a wonderful NY experience and if you are available be sure to drop by Grand Central Terminal Monday May 13th from 9am-3:30pm in Vanderbilt Hall.  this clip will give you a peak into what you might find.

2012 Music Under New York auditions were held May 16, 2012.  As a MUNY artist I was asked to be a judge. I captured the event and I asked my favorite question, "what's your inspiration?" Here's what I heard:

- NY Guitar Festival artistic director and judge David Spelman: "the sounds of NY, I never wear an ipod, there's too many wonderful sounds in NYC ..the wild polyphony of mayhem that we hear all around is inspiration."

- Music Under NY violinist Ebony Hillbillies and judge Henrique Prince : "Life, …art, that music can allow you to be different all the time that you can keep growing until the last minute, and you can get better and better, how many things in life are like that except.. food."

- Music Under NY artist and volunteer Jahstix: "Life + possibility of magic at every moment, + the goodness and love."

- Auditionee and accordionist Melissa Elledge: "feeling grateful that I'm in a city that I can make a living  doing what I want to do." Update: since her audition, now now a MUNY artist.

- award winning recording artist and judge Dane Zanes: "I felt that I was part of the NY musical overground."

- Music Under NY classical guitarist and judge Don Witter Jr. "music making and the boldness of young people who believe in what they are doing and do it."

- documentary filmmaker, 78 Project and judge Alex Styermark:  "authenticity and people who are just trying to make the most out of what they've got."

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Subway Inspirations Performing Arts HS seniors

Performing at Grand Central Shuttle, a film crew from Hong Kong and Taiwan stopped by.  Janis a wonderful singer from Taiwan asked if she could sing Crazy by Gnarls Barkley with me.  Of course I was happy to oblige.  

Meanwhile a group of seniors from the Performing Arts High School stopped by and the rest is a perfect example of what can happen when you allow spontaneity in the subway with a microphone and some really talented and fearless kids.

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Judy Grunberg Inspiration

As I am on a bit of a winter hiatus from subway gigs I've been going over my Inspiration archives.  This one was shot in Columbia County, NY at an Equine Advocates sanctuary event.  Judy Grunberg is an amazingly enterprising, supportive community hero. Called a "force of culture."  She's one of those individuals who spends her energy doing good and enriching her community with her efforts every day. Inspiration.

edited by Dan Kleederman

Joe Tucker Cajon player

As I was performing in 34th st a guy walked by carrying a Cajon (a wooden box played as a drum) and I asked if he would like to jam. To my excitement he did stop. His name is Joe Tucker a classical percussionist and I was happy to see he was uninhibited to join in and jam in the subway.  I asked Joe my favorite question What inspires you? His response "my parents....and that indescribable part of music"  Joe plays in the group InnoVox Music 

Jungle words and music by Cathy Grier

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Percussionists Owusu and Sabor Inspiration

MUNY artist Owusu (Tyrone Owusu Slater) and fellow percussionist Sabor played before me at the LIRR location in Penn Station. Before they left, they gave me incredible, honest inspirations about love and healing.

Here is a performance brought to you by StreetperformersTV  

Tyrone Owusu Slater is the co-founder and program director of the Biko Transformation Center. Check it out!

edited by Dan Kleederman

More Rising

One Billion Rising flashmob in Union Square + ABC carpet + home,  I chatted with organizer Daniela Plattner and photographer Cole Blumstein. Deepak Chopra gave his wisdom and I sang my song Rise up inspired by Eve Ensler and the One Billion Rising movement.

What inspires Daniela? " Dance shows us that we're never stuck...and teaches us to say no and to learn our boundaries and defend our love."

Deepak "let this moment be a new revolution for humanity, no more violence against women. The empowerment of the goddess energy. A new civilization. Beauty, intuition, nurturing, affection, tenderness will rule the world. We love our mothers, our sisters, our spouses, our lovers and let this be a sacred moment and a revolution at the same time."

Rise Up words and music Cathy Grier

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