R Train To Park Slope

I am happily back in NYC restarting my subway gigs today (Staten Island Ferry), you can check out my locations and performances on this site under the heading Gigs. Last night on my way to tech rehearsal for this Friday and Saturday's performance at BAX, I took the train and marveled at the power of people, community and song. With a notepad always at the ready, here's what I jotted down:

Remnants of winter storms


strange ice bumps on sidewalks and streets

old brown snow hardened mounds, no fluff

granite like the city's bedrock

Dogs in sweaters

misplaced glove

R Train to Brooklyn

subway performer strums a Mexican folk song

woman next to me hums sweetly

I can hear it, subconscious nostalgia

next stop another performer enters

muffled into the bodies down the car

"Amazing Grace How Sweet The Sound..."

smokey, Billie Holiday voice

wandering closer, spirit full

eyes blind, plastic bucket in one hand

walking cane in the other

"We've Only Just Begun To Live,

White Lace and Promises..."

my heart swells

She asks to no one in particular what stop this is.

Jay Street, next stop Dekalb Avenue

as she passes I say in her direction, beautiful voice

Thank you she replies, then repeated a heartfelt

Thank you