Carriage Horses need a better life

When I perform in the underground under some pretty grueling weather, I say, "if the carriage horses aren’t working either should NYCSubwayGirl" (there are temperature limits imposed, which many drivers ignore). Most people like to think of riding in a NYC horse-drawn carriage through Central Park as a quaint and jolly trip back in time. But thanks to the heartfelt rescue story of Bobby the Carriage horse, I now believe using carriage horses under any condition in NYC is cruel and inhumane.

Bobby now lives in Chatham, NY at Equine Advocates a sanctuary, where he will live out his life away from the punishing life on NYC’s streets and pending slaughter.  It made me so happy that a dream home is not only possible for Bobby, but exists at Equine Advocates. Seeing other rescued horses, ponies and donkeys and hearing their stories showed me the importance of Equine Advocates and the amazing level of love and care they receive.

I'll be performing to benefit Equine Advocates April 2nd in Hudson, NY

I think the PETA awareness campaign seen on many NYC streets, to be right on!


read my blog about Bobby written by Elizabeth Hess