LIRR Penn Station

This spot was actually the first place I ever performed as a MUNY artist 10 years ago. I was stunned to find it too chaotic, loud and impossible to find my mark. I hadn't booked it in quite some time and decided to give it another try. That was then, this is now-I take all that in stride and had a great day performing. Roland-steel drum player was there performing when I arrived, we talked and he told me about South St seaport as a good spot to play. He has a nice touch on the steel, melodic and resonant without being too harsh. Flamenco man dancing to my song “Through My Eyes” also proof that all it takes is one person to join me to make crowds form-he was entertaining and allowed me to adjust the rhythm to a more Latin-gypsy kings kind of feel and I liked it! A mom with a family of 3 girls
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