Annual Music Under NY auditions May 13th

A cool thing to do in New York is the annual Music Under New York Auditions held each year in Vanderbilt Hall in Grand Central. Mark your Calendar for May 13th.

From 9am-3pm 50+ musicians will vie for the coveted slot of being able to schedule performances in MUNY sanctioned locations throughout NYC.

Hope to see you there, and it's FREE

Here's a clip I made from a previous Audition 

Earth Day NYC

April 22, 2014

Today is Earth Day, I rode my bike to Union Square to the Earth Day celebration. I remembered the very first Earth Day, celebrated in my childhood town of Middlefield, CT. There we learned about recycling newspaper and how to compost.  We're still teaching children how to be better steward's of this planet. At Union Square, Anti-Fracking information and petitions to the Mayor and Governor were available, which I signed. Surprisingly there was a lot of corporate presence, Toyota, Zip Car, Enterprise, United Airlines. Some games for the kids learning ways to recycle. There were recycling depots for everything from plastic to E-Waste.  I watched a guy push a cart quite a few blocks with about 8 old computers stacked ontop of each other to be recycled!

Here in NYC the trash is unbelievable and sometimes overwhelming to think how any recycling could make a difference. I am often times disheartened by the lack of recycling by office buildings and restaurants, they can do so much more, but there has to be a willingness to do it and an educational point about cause and effect.  One only has to spend a (sleepless) night in NYC to hear the 100's of Garbage trucks to understand just how much we waste,

Earth Day NY info for events throughout the week

I've been riding a bike in the city since 1996, it's a wonderful way to get around town. The city now has an incredible amount of bike lanes and a bike share program.  When CitiBank created the program, it was not without an amazing effort from City Government to give up so much prime real estate to be able to station and park bikes throughout the city. When I heard there were cries that the program was losing money to the tune of 2 million, I thought, but can you put a price on the advertising that Citibank gets everyday?  Plus the numbers came in after a late fall start and a very cold winter.  Today by the looks of the amount of empty bike stations and the increased amount of people zipping around the city on bikes. I'd say CitiBank has a win win situation. I would have preferred the program be sponsored by the City of New York and not "The Citi of Bank" and I am sure there are amazing not for profits that could benefit from taking over the program, should Citi decide it's too expensive, but hopefully not with another subsidy -bailout from the City.

Bike riding is Green, but dangerous. To ride a bike on the streets of NY is an exercise in full on attention and sometimes very close calls of accidents. I can't believe the bike riders I've seen without helmets, texting, riding the wrong way, riding on sidewalks. 

Still and all, I love riding my bike in the city. 

My building has a bike room. I'm lucky.

Happy Earth Day, get out and explore the outdoors of this amazing city. And do think about how you'd like to be a better stewart for our planet.  Consider starting a electronics waste e-waste collection at your work and building.

NYC and recycling E-Waste programs sponsored by Lower East Side Ecology Center can help.

past blogs:

Earth Day 2013 free download of my song Jungle

Earth Day 2012 My 10 Actions for Earth Day every day

Earth Day 2011 commentary about Japan's earthquake and BP Deep Water disaster 

Earth Day 2010 Thoughts for Earth Day the 3 R's- Reduce ReUse Recycle


1964 Worlds Fair a memory

Inspired by today's article in the New York Times read here by Joesph Tirella, I thought I'd share my own memory and family slides of the 64 Worlds Fair.

My Mom gave me an old box of family slides to scan and archive. I was very excited to find images that my Dad took of our visit to the 1964 Worlds Fair (he was quite a good photographer).  The experience is one of my earliest childhood memories. In '64 we were living in Connecticut. My parents were both raised in The Bronx and had many relatives living in Queens, so it was an easy commute!

I was really disappointed when they told me I was too small to ride in the convertible. My favorite was sitting in the boat and floating through while singing It's A Small World as loud as I could.  My first NYC singing in public space experience!  My sister and brother are seen in a few of the shots.

You also might find interesting the images in another NY Times article by Alan Feuer about the dismantling of the Fair.

Nelson and Hayden wild mustangs meet

I'm honored that a my song Easy Come Easy Go was featured in a lovely clip created by Karen Wagner of Equine Advocates in Chatham, NY. Nelson a rescued wild mustang has been living at the sanctuary for some time now and Hayden another resuced mustang arrived late last year. This clip shows their second encounter.  it's a wonderful example of animal kindness.

AIDS on my mind

December 1st my be World AIDS Day, but April 4th will always be the day I remember my cousin Peter VanderPutten who died of AIDS in his beautiful Key West guest house the Cypress House on April 4, 1989. I lived with him in Key West at the time and was with him when he died.

In America in 2014, we may not be living those horrible days in the '80's of ignorance, hate and loathing in AIDS riddled communities like Key West, but we still have a long way to go.

In memory of Peter I want to share the song I wrote for him and so many others, it is my gift to you as a free download, or if you just want to listen to it here, the audio is embeded below.

recorded in 1990 on New York Sessions: featuring: Allen Won-saxophone, Andy Marvel-piano, Tony Bridges-bass, Pete Abbott-drums and Reid Trevaskis-backing vocals.  Nice to see that everyone in the band is still out there playing!

Golden Age of Train Graffiti on view @ City Lore

NYCSubwayGirl loves to share about cool discoveries in NYC. City Lore has amazing advocacy and outreach within NYC communities.  They support the arts in ways that are more important than ever before. City Lore documents, presents, and advocates for grassroots cultures to ensure their living legacy in stories, histories, places, and traditions. It's thanks to City Lore that I have information to provide street performers who want to know their rights.

I wasn't singing in the subway's back in the '70's and '80's (honestly never occured to me until the late '90's) but I do remember the graffiti on and in the trains , they are captured in an amazing exhibition that opens tonight at the City Lore gallery.  Hope you join me.


City Lore is pleased to announce the exhibition: Moving Murals: Henry Chalfant & Martha Cooper’s All-City Graffiti Archive, opening Thursday, April 3rd with a reception from 6-9pm, and running through July 10, 2014.

Shot during the “Golden Age of Graffiti” in the ‘70s and early ‘80s, Chalfant and Cooper’s images of graffitied subway cars are among the major documents of American popular culture in the late twentieth century. Moving Murals presents their images in a way that they have never been seen in New York: a wall to wall mosaic of over 850 muraled trains, creating an ultimate All City graffiti trainyard environment complimented by wallpapered photographs of the writers in their element.  And for the first time, the exhibit provides an interactive audience experience through the addition of Chalfant’s recently published iBook viewed on a large screen, complete with the train image archive, artist interviews, and videos.

These classic train murals, which have been the inspiration and guide for thousands of youthful artists around the world, did not survive on the trains for long before the city cleaned the cars, or the artists’ rivals painted over them. Chalfant and Cooper’s patience and determination in hunting down and capturing these ephemeral masterpieces with their cameras has left the world with a representative cross section of some of the best work by the most talented young artists who painted New York City’s subway cars in the seventies and eighties. These images pay homage to the young artists from the City’s underserved outer boroughs whose work—though often dismissed as vandalism—challenged contemporary fine arts standards, and lit the fuse for the street art and hip hop explosion heard around the world.

Where: The City Lore Gallery, 56 E 1st St. New York, NY 10003

How to get there: Take the F train to 2nd Ave or 6 train to Bleecker St.

For more information: 212-529-1955 x13 or

Spring NYCSubwayGirl Newsletter

The Neighbors Exhibition Nears its Final Days at the New Museum 

Continues to Encourage Community, Connection, and to Fuel The Inspiration Project


Hello, I have two more scheduled performances during the final weeks of Polish sculptor  Pawel Althamer’s New Museum exhibition (located at 235 Bowery south of Houston St). The Neighbors exhibit has featured over 50 street musicians and buskers since its opening in early February. 

I'm scheduled to perform as a part of this collaborative exhibition this Sunday April 6, from 11a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and again on Saturday April 12, from 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. The exhibit ends April 20, 2014.

The inclusion of street performers in the lobby of the New Museum has not only brought many musicians in out of the cold NYC winter, but it has been a place to capture inspired people. 

I have used this performance space to film many new clips for my Inspiration Project. These clips not only showcase inspirations but also the spirit of community that is at the core of the exhibition. 

If you know of any blogs or sites you think that might be interested in posting The Inspiration Project please pass on the link. You can also grab the RSS feed.

The Inspiration Project Comes to Life as a Motivational Workshop

I want to share with you a new direction for NYCSubwayGirl and my Inspiration Project. After hundreds of hours of footage and clips from the underground, I have developed a workshop that uses the "Power of a Question" to create genuine human connections. The results have been really exciting for me.

Contact me if you are interested in knowing more about how to bring the Inspiration project to your conference, event or gathering. 


here's a clip featuring gHSTS n gUITARS.


Happy Spring,



Diva's Underground Weds March 26th Union SQ

Yes that's right, Diva's Underground.  Every March the Music Under New York program brings together the women of MUNY to perform throughout the day in Union Square station.

From 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Here are some clips that I have made over the years of the women of Music Under NY:

DIVAS UNDERGROUND Wednesday, March 26, 2014

08:00 - 12:00    Leah Coloff         
12:00 - 12:45    Cathy Grier             

12:45 -  1:30    Samantha Echo     

 1:30 -  2:15    Nadine Simmons    

 2:15 -  3:00    Martina Bruno        

 3:00 -  3:45    Petula Beckles       

 3:45 -  4:30    Arlethia                   

 4:30 -  5:15    Marcella Louise Adame     

 5:15 -  6:00    Heidi Kole              

 6:00 -  6:45    Wendy Sayvetz      

 6:45 -  7:30    EVEONVOX            

 7:30 - 10:00  SisterMonk             

Last Day to Apply Music Under New York program


Today is the Deadline to send in applications for the annual Music Under New York auditions.  

Applications must be postmarked today.  There's still time…

Here's a link for the application form found on the MTA website.

All applications info:

Send Audition Application and a CD or DVD (no tapes or videos accepted) by regular mail to the address below postmarked by March 20thDo not drop off your package.

MTA/ MUSIC UNDER NEW YORK 341 Madison Avenue, 5th Fl. New York, NY 10017 

The auditions are held in Grand Central Terminal in May and are only held once a year.  If you've ever wanted to give it a try now is the time.

Good luck.

You can always find more info about busking in NYC in my section above entitled For Buskers 

Below is a clip I made from a past MUNY audition

Spring E-Waste events sponsored by LES Ecology Center


NYCSubwayGirl isn't all about music in the underground of NYC. It's about community and sharing. It's about stories and experience in the urban concrete jungle. It's important to celebrate and post about organizations like the Lower East Side Ecology Center. Their efforts in educating and working towards a more sustainable future, has made a huge impact on the quality of life here in NYC. See below for some Spring Electronic recycling events near you.

Electronics Recycling with the LES Ecology Center

Responsibly recycle unwanted or broken electronics (no appliances such as microwaves or refrigerators) at spring events sponsored by the Lower East Side Ecology Center. All events 10am-4pm. March collection dates below. Check for the full spring schedule. Click here for a list of what's accepted. 

* Saturday, March 22 - Chelsea, W. 26th b/t 8th & 9th Aves 
* Saturday, March 22 - Dumbo, Pearl Street Triangle (at Water & Front Sts) 
* Saturday, March 29 - Park Slope, 5th Ave b/t Sterling & Douglass 
* Sunday, March 30 - Staten Island, JCC parking lot, 1466 Manor Rd

Deadline For MUNY application March 20th

It's that time of year when Music Under New York auditions musicians to join the program.  The application process is simple.  Here's a link for the application form found on the MTA website.

All applications info:

Please send your Audition Application and a CD or DVD (no tapes or videos accepted) by regular mail to the address below postmarked by March 20thDo not drop off your package.

MTA/ MUSIC UNDER NEW YORK 341 Madison Avenue, 5th Fl. New York, NY 10017 

The auditions are held in Grand Central Terminal in May and are only held once a year.  If you've ever wanted to give it a try now is the time.

Good luck.

You can always find more info about busking in NYC in my section above entitled For Buskers

Live Radio appearance for Hudson Radio WGXC

I'm happy to share that I'll be on WGXC radio in Hudson NY Monday March 10th at 9am on the Philip is On The radio show in Columbia and Greene Counties at 90.7 on the FM dial, or you can always listen online.


I love Philip's show, He has a great intro that I always believed was "Fill-up on the Radio, Fill-Up on the Radio, Fill Up On The Ra-Di-O."  Then I learned the DJ's name was actually Philip.  Still Philip fills me up with classic blues, Rhythm and Blues and Soul.  He's always been a great supporter of playing my music. I love supporting Community local public radio,

I'll be there to support their fund drive, hope to you tune in Monday at 9am and please consider making a pledge.




New Museum music + art

I'll be returning to the New Museum today the last day of February, performing from 11am-2:30 PM.  Since February 12th there have been daily performances of live NYC street musicians. We take turns performing in the lobby as people come in.  The sound is not only carried throughout that floor, seeping into the book store and live music in the cafe, but it is also being amplified into the 3rd floor exhibition.

It's been so bitter cold out, and today is no exception (I believe it's 9 degrees outside).  For a busker a warm gig like this is a welcome relief.  I stand performing as the large double sided elevator one with bright green walls and reflective doors open and close in a kind of fun house way. When the doors open if the other side is closed I see myself reflected back to me.  Other times people are also entering at the same time. It's strangely amusing to me.  I can also look to my left through the vast floor to ceiling windowpane with the view of Bowery and all the activity there.

Come on by.  Bring a gently worn or new men's coat for free admission. The coats are donated to neighbors The Bowery Mission.


Beer + Busking?

NYC has a lot of different events created to entertain us.  This week it's restaurant week, where some can get a chance to dine at a favorite restaurant or one we've always wanted to but can't afford with a prix fix menu. This week is also named Beer week.  The kick off is tonight in the grand hall of the grandest train station, Grand Central, in Vanderbilt Hall. (the event is sold out).

I'll be performing with other Music Under New York musicians Salieu Suso (African Kora player) and the crazy fun Xylofolks (performing dressed in costumes like either a Tex Avery cartoon, or a sporting team mascot, take your pick).

I'm not really a beer drinker, but I think with all the micro breweries popping up all over the 5 Boroughs, tonight might be a good night to get me hooked (after I play of course).  I got the gig thanks to brewer and sax player Chris Cuzme.  He'll be there pouring beer from his brewery 508 Gastro Brewery in soho (Greenwich St @ Spring). I'm also interested in tasting The Bronx brewery Gun Hill Brewing (that's where my Mom grew up-oops sorry Mom, not in the brewery, on Gun Hill Rd).

Check out these clips I've made of the Xylofolks and Salieu Suso from my NYCSubwaygril video gallery of artists archives.

NYC Subway Girl films The Xylopholks perform their own special brand of "fuzzy ragtime xylophone" at 34th St.

Kora player Salieu Suso sings a song just for NYC Subway Girl at the Staten Island Ferry Terminal

Street I Am, Guest Blogger about Buskers @NewMuseum

Street I Am is about about: Street Entertainment News – Street Art, Buskers, Street Performance, gatherings, festivals, parades.  I am happy to post their recent blog about the opening night at the New Museum where I performed.  Also featuring another street performer Jacob Cohen the subway cello.  Read on…...

1_street i am_logo.jpg

February 19, 2014 by Iru Streetiam 

Subway Buskers meet The Neighbors, Pawel Althamer

Subway buskers in collaboration @NewMuseum - Pawel althamer ” The Neighbors” Sculpture and Music as One -

Collaboration commences as Subway Cello sets tone at exhibit opening,- NYCSubwaygirl to follow -

Two of New York City’s finest subway buskers are a part of an innovative gallery experience at the New Museum in NYC. Polish born sculptor Pawel Althamer’s, The Neighbors exhibit runs into the month of April. The sound track is provided by some of the best street musicians in town.


subway buskers One of these outstanding subway buskers is Jacob Cohen from NYC, known as the Subway Cello. He is seen here playing his heart out for the exhibit’s Grand Opening. Positioned  in the middle of the visitors creative space, he set the tone for collaboration. People who attend the exhibit are invited to draw an the walls as you see in the picture. Musicians play live music from the street below the gallery. The live music is broadcast throughout rooms of magnificent sculpture. 


Althamer-roomfull A multi-level collaboration.

The Subway Cello has many styles and all of them resonate with a timbre of sophistication. Sometimes classic sometimes jazz, maybe hip hop or even pornographic. His many sides are revealed for one and all on his website and his YouTube documentary. Jacob Cohen Documentary

 and here's another Street I Am post by Patrick Rulh 

Busking NYCSubwaygirl one of The Neighbors collaborates in Althamer Exhibit @NewMuseum

The 2nd of the subway buskers, Cathy Grier has a website and a lot more. She not only loves to play in the subway but she likes to write about it too. This is part of what she has to say about the Pawel Althamer exhibit The Neighbors

On thursday February 20th from 6-9 pm I will be performing at the New Museum during the Pawel Althamer exhibition. Pawel wanted to have street musicians performing during the exhibit to express the idea of collaboration and connection. I will be performing from time to time until April 12th (here’s a link to my schedule).  Many other street musicians have been selected to also perform.

Someone asked me why I don’t consider this a concert series in a museum lobby. I am being amplified so that the live music is carried up into the exhibition onto the 3rd floor. Since I have seen the exhibition, it changes the way I perform.

Cathy Grier – NYC Subway Girl : The Back of the Busk

This documentary will give you some music and a chance to meet this New York City talent.

NYCSubwayGirl News Music + Art mashup at New Museum

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hello, The calendar hadn't even switched to a new year since I sent out my last news. We lost a musical hero, (here's my blog Pete Seeger Remembered,) and I've recorded some songs from my musical songbook and look forward to releasing it to the public in the next months. Here's a post about it: New Recording Session. And a free download of my song Rise Up that I wrote for Eve Ensler and her V-Day One Billion Rising campaign.

In NYC it's been a pretty long cold winter and busking in the subway has had it's challenges as you can imagine (I've had to cancel a few times).  We've had back to back storms, bitter cold and a Super Bowl to contend with, and those of you who know what it's like to walk a dog on chemical salt covered sidewalks, it's quite a challenge (and I have 2). I am excited to share the news about a cozy and warm inside gig.

This Thursday February 20th from 6-9 pm I will be performing at the New Museum during the Pawel Althamer exhibition entitled "The Neighbors" (located @235 Bowery. NYC). Pawel wanted to have street musicians performing during the exhibit to express the idea of collaboration and connection. I will be performing from time to time (here's a link to my schedule). Many other street musicians have been selected to also perform. 

Someone asked me why I don't consider this a concert series in a museum lobby. I am being amplified so that the live music is heard up on the 3rd floor. Much like performing in public spaces, people are on their way to something, the fact that a performer happens to be on their route is not static or stationary as a concert would be. I have seen the exhibition, and I visualize it while I play. It definitely affects the way I perform as seen from two points of view. One is from the perspective of where I am physically performing in the lobby as people enter and as they wait for the elevator, and the other, where the music through speakers is part of the aural landscape of the exhibition. Having the music as a live soundtrack for an art installation switches the dynamic of performance. I hear and see things differently in this situation and find intriguing the mashup of music + art. Something that is new to my world. When I shared this thought with Pawel, he responded "welcome to the temple." 

Here's Pawel's Inspiration video clip:

It's a wonderful opportunity for me create spontaneous soundscapes.  I sing or play chordal arrangements based on my memory of a piece, say for example the whimsical one of Pawel imagining himself living in a suitcase….  

I hope to see you at one of my performances.

I am looking forward to March the month of Spring and new growth!

All the best,



the pups enjoying snow on the beach by Lilian Haidar

the pups enjoying snow on the beach by Lilian Haidar

Harper James engineer, Degraw Sound + Cathy Grier by Nousha Salimi

Harper James engineer, Degraw Sound + Cathy Grier by Nousha Salimi

Music + Art Mashup @NewMuseum Feb 20th 6-9pm

COAT Drive @ New Museum (235 Bowery) ongoing through APRIL 20th

In many of his previous museum exhibitions, Althamer has used the visibility and resources of the organizing institution to benefit different local communities. For “The Neighbors,” Althamer has initiated a coat drive for the Bowery Mission, the Museum’s neighboring organization, which has been serving the homeless and hungry since 1879. Over the course of the exhibition, visitors who bring new or gently used men’s coats to the New Museum will receive free entry. All the coats will be donated to the Bowery Mission.

On thursday February 20th from 6-9 pm I will be performing at the New Museum during the Pawel Althamer exhibition. Pawel wanted to have street musicians performing during the exhibit to express the idea of collaboration and connection. I will be performing from time to time until April 12th (here's a link to my schedule).  Many other street musicians have been selected to also perform. 

Someone asked me why I don't consider this a concert series in a museum lobby. I am being amplified so that the live music is carried up into the exhibition onto the 3rd floor. Since I have seen the exhibition, it changes the way I perform.  For me there are 2 points of view, one from the perspective of where I am physically performing in the lobby as people enter and as they wait for the elevator, and the other, where the music through speakers is part of the aural landscape of the exhibition. Much like performing in public spaces, people are on their way to something, the fact that a performer happens to be on their route is not static or stationary as a concert would be. Having the music as a live soundtrack for an art installation switches the dynamic of performance. I hear and see things differently in this situation and find intriguing the mashup of music + art. Something that is new to my world. When I shared this thought with Pawel, he responded "welcome to the temple." 

It's a wonderful opportunity for me create spontaneous soundscapes.  I sing or play choral arrangements based on my memory of a piece, say for example the whimsical one of Pawel imagining himself living in a suitcase….  I hope to see you at one of my performances.

check Pawel's Inspiration video clip here

And if you bring a gently worn or new men's coat to the musuem you'll get free admission and they will in turn donate the coat to the neighbors at the Bowery Mission.

join my newsletter for up to date info and get a free download

Inspiration Video Gallery

I've put together a page with just video clips of my Inspiration Project and here it is. Check out  Inspiration Video Gallery. You can look through and select one of the 100's of videos of people I have met over the years and who have shared what inspires them.

Inspiration Video Gallery

There is no absence of people inspired by life by what they see and hear, willing to walk up to me while I’m performing and chat. I’ve just recently had the guts to say, “hey would you mind if I record what you're saying for my website?"  So that’s how I discovered Paradise at 125th street station who matter-of-factly said, “keep love in your heart everyone, remember that.”  Sherwin at Penn station expressed,  “Joy is my inspiration."  These people need to be heard, they make our world a better and interesting place to live in.

And their inspirational stories resonate with me deeply.  We live in a harsh world, and here in New York City it’s a very crowded and chaotic one.  Ester shared, “today we have ‘soundicians’ (sic) that make noise, but real music is compelling.  Music is in my soul, I get goose-bumps, I feel heightened.  Maybe if people had the right music they’d be happier.”   "Soundicians” ? !!  Wonderful, that description is compelling enough to make me want to find more and more Ester's of the world to share with you.

Heartfelt, honest, strange, inspiring….you be the judge. Stay tuned as I introduce you to the people I meet in the subway on this website, maybe you’ll feel compelled to share or leave a comment.  It’s easy.  And maybe one day if you happen upon me in the subway, you too will feel inspired enough to share what inspires you.

#Rise4Justice Feb 14th

Since 1998 on February 14th V-Day has championed ending violence around the globe, bringing millions-billions together in support. This year the One Billion Rising movement is reaching out for justice. #Rise4Justice. I wrote a song for last years 1st One Billion Rising campaign and have an updated version made especially for 2014.  Here's a free download of my song Rise UP that I wrote for V-Day + Eve Ensler.  rise Up For Justice!
