Luellen Abdoo MUNY violinist performs "Luango"

Walking through Grand Central's Graybar corridor I met Music Under NY violinist Luellen Abdoo. I asked her what inspires her. Music and people. Here's her world premiere of a new composition "Luango" by composer Joe Gianono.  There's lovely work being performed in public spaces, you just have to go out and find it.

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Joe Hanneman Inspiration



I met Joe in Grand Central and we had a wonderful and engaging chat.  He has led such an interesting life. Many years ago he was asked to help coordinate the German Day parade, which led to a pretty busy career coordinating parades in New York City and throughout the country. One of the curious insights he told me was how to deal with crowd control. He realized if people looked up they would naturally want to lean backward and in so doing, create more space and less pushing forward. So the ticker tape and the float were really put into use. Who knew?

What Inspires Joe? 7 trombones and 4 tubas in an army band.


Laura Hankin from Galo Magazine

Laura came to hear me perform for an article she was writing about female subway musicians for Galo (Global Art Laid Out) Magazine. She listened for a while and then we chatted.  

What inspires Laura?  "Friends and family….the love that we give to each other.."

Here's a link to the article she wrote: Female Subway Musicians A Rarity - Galo Magazine

Comin' Back To Me words and music Cathy Grier singerfish publishing SESAC


Janine Inspiration Falun Dafa

I met Janine in Graybar corridor of Grand Central Station with Trisha, they are both in the US from Australia to share and practice the work of Falun Dafa.  After chatting with Janine I realized that I happened to pass them one evening in Madison Square Park as they sat with others in a circle practicing this spiritual discipline of meditation, it was a lovely peaceful experience to witness.

What inspires Janine?  "Falun Dafa…to tell people about Falun Dafa because it helps people to cultivate their hearts, come back to their true selves and beautiful thing about it, is to think of others… to be truthful and to have kindness, compassion and tolerance."