Earth Day 2012

Earth Day is Every Day. I have a wonderful image of billions of people around the planet consciously thinking, acting and learning about our Earth in the most healing and positive of ways. She has given us so much, and now more than ever we need new tools to listen and ultimately change the way we have been treating our home.

We have to take responsibility for our consumption and our waste.  We can't just throw it all away, it's got to go somewhere. What goes up must come down, what goes in must come out, so just because we can't see it (unless you live near a landfill, or happen to watch a garbage barge float by) doesn't mean it's not there.  What is mine becomes yours, for better or for worse, so let's try and do better.  

Observe the wonderment of Nature, and give thanks.

acorn earth day.jpg

walking through the woods, found this acorn nestled perfectly. Nice catch.