For a Greener Holiday

Here's some ideas on how to be more environmentally thoughtful for the Holiday shopping, gift giving season.

In the NYC area there are 2 champion organizations who know about the 3 R's -  Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. I urge you to check them out and learn more about how you can make a difference in dealing with reducing, reusing and recycling your waste:

Broadway Green Alliance great tips on where to recycle things

Lower East Ecology Center, in January they kick off a multi-location "After The Holidays E-waste Drive" to collect unwanted electronics that should be disposed of with thoughtful concern for our health and environment.

and the NRDC has a great blog called This Green Blog by Sheryl Eisenberg check out her latest, Green Your Holidays

Shopping has an environmental cost, especially online shopping with extra packing and shipping cost of transporting those gifts door to door.  Did you know that 25% more waste is produced between Thanksgiving and New Year's? Be mindful of how to reuse packing boxes and materials.  When shopping, bring bags with you so you don't arrive home with so much unnecessary waste.

Recycle old wrapping paper, cards, boxes and packing materials.  I collect throughout the year and reuse.  What to do with the plastic bubble wrap shipping envelopes?  I reuse those too, either covering over the address to add the new one, or filling a box with them as packing materials.

Most wrapping paper and cards use toxic paint and dye.  I try and reuse those as much as possible. I also take last years Holiday cards and cut off the covers and find a creative way to send a "new" card to family and friends. Or make Christmas tree ornaments by cutting out shapes and holiday images. 

For wrapping paper, I save and trim off any old tape or ripped sections.  This year I used all old paper to wrap gifts.  In our family with people as far away as Oregon, North Carolina, Georgia, Michigan and Florida, we were happy to pack our Christmas packages with boxes and packing that we reused from previous packages.  In our apartment with little space, I do break down the box and store flat in the back of the closet.  Sure I need to use extra packing tape that way, but it's better than throwing the entire box out.  so much better to use an already existing box. Imagine the energy used to take a cardboard box and turn it into a new one.  I'd rather just use the old one.

When I get those pesky Styrofoam packing peanuts I fill up a small plastic bag like one you can get at the veggies aisle at the grocery store. With an old twist tie from a bag of bread, I tie off the bag.  These small packs of packing I reuse to fill my boxes and more importantly the recipient doesn't get to open a box with Styrofoam peanuts flying all over the place. If I can't use them, then I donate to a local shipping store. 

My thoughts:

1-Reuse wrapping paper. Think twice before crunching up wrapping paper, take a moment and fold and save for next year.

2-Reuse boxes and packing materials.  If you can't reuse, find a local shipping store and donate your boxes and packing materials.  They are happy to have them.

3-create new creative cards and ornaments form old Holiday cards.

4-Bring your own shopping bags with you to the store to reuse multiple times instead of gathering more waste.

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Not bad, all these gifts were wrapped with reused paper!

Happy Solstice,

Cathy NYCSubwayGirl 

snowman NYC style

well so far it's been quite a few weeks of crazy snow, even in the most unexpected of places, like where my brother lives in Atlanta and my Mom in N.C (both born in the Bronx, so at least have a memory of it).  Me I'm happy to be stuck upstate, but do miss the beauty of snowfall in the city.  

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Michele took this picture on her way to work today.


on 2011-02-01 21:51 by NYC Subway Girl

thanks to a comment I've discoverd NYCSnowman.  check out some wonderful snowmen and women in NYC.

be good to yourself

Watch a clip I made in Grand Central Station for the holidays with Music Under New York artists James Graseck, Sean Grissom and saw player Moses Josiah.

With the holidays upon us and so many people still affected by the market crash and feeling the pain of higher cost of living, I can see the stress, I can feel it.  So lately I have been chatting more than usual during my subway gigs. I don't usually really chat much because people are moving along their busy way and don't stick around for longer than a song or 2.  But that doesn't mean most people aren't listening as they rush on by. This month, I've been reminding people to not get so wound up by the consuming machine for the holidays.  As people pass by, I say things like "be good to yourself this holiday season, be mindful that we all don't have to buy into the 'I need' stuff game."  We're all so busy and stressed trying to make ends meet and also keep up with the multitude of tech items that now seem we can't live without, but oh yes we can. Really. We forget to focus on the stuff we can do that doesn't cost anything but our time and genuinely makes a difference in our lives.  

So be good to yourself and those around you over the next few weeks, and you just might find it's a new way to start 2011.