Song request Stand Tall

Here I am in front of my computer, snow is falling, I'm in upstate NY until Monday when I return to subway gigs in NYC. I'm checking my social media and James Campbell a friend on Facebook wanted to hear me sing my song Stand Tall live. Hmm I thought, my guitar is right here, nothing precious about a live song, so I turned on my laptop recording and voila. here it is. Quicker than traveling to Canada. Happy listening James

Stand Tall MP3 

Why not request one yourself? I'm happy to oblige.

click on post a comment below. and request a song you'd like me to sing.  For copyright reasons I prefer it being one of my own compositions. I'll link to an MP3 file, even email it to you, OR if you'd like to be annoymous, send me a private request here

You don't know my songs? check them out on itunescdbaby you can also listen right here on my site

Request song setup 0 00 15-10.jpg

recording, pretty relaxed