Verbal Ase beatboxing busker

How does Verbal Ase do that?  All the sounds coming from him are natural, or unnatural as it might appear.  Amazing he can do that through his nose! He calls it beatboxing from outer space.

I met Verbal Ase = Adam Steven Evans at his gig in Grand Central and asked him how he stays warm on cold days.  I was surprised to get my own Verbal Ase shout out.  Who can say they've had someone compliment them by beatboxing through the nose!

Baton Rouge tourist jam in Grand Central

While performing in Grand Central harmonica player Frank Ames stopped by to sit in. Three tourists from Baton Rouge also stopped, Trampus, Hillary, and Will. I saw Will had a guitar and invited him to jam with us.  Of course I asked my favorite question, what inspires you? (Sunrise, People, Love).

In this clip, Will borrows my guitar for a spontaneous cover of Sam Smith's 'Stay With Me'

This is a perfect example of what it's like to perform in one of the busiest stations in NYC.

co-edited by Ian James MacRae Jackson

Sister Monk - Live For This Moment

I came upon Kathy Deane and Jody Rubel from the group Sister Monk performing in Grand Central. They enjoy performing with the Music Under New York program when they aren't touring around.

What inspires Kathy?  "people like you, other talented musicians, amazing women drummers"