Public Library with miles of books

Today I heard that Borders is going bankrupt.  Apparently they are losing 2 million dollars a day in the NYC stores they will be closing.  Okay I'm not a mathematician, but I always thought the rise of the mega bookstore was somewhat out of balance, so I'm not surprised with the news.

Yesterday I did something empowering and fun.  I walked into my local public library and took out some books.  It has been years I must admit and have felt guilty many times running into a Borders or Barnes and Noble when I could have easily checked out a book from the Library.  When did we stop collectively caring about the Public Library?

Here's my sustainability tip: Don't fret over the closing of Borders, go to your local library.  Here's a link to the NYC Public Library locations

And if you really want to own a book or give a gift, instead of ordering online where books need to be packaged and boxed and shipped, consider buying from an independently locally owned book store.  A used book is even better. Here in NYC we have the amazing Strand Books

The Public Library is a beacon of hope, support it to keep it before it's too late.