Heard-NY Nick Cave Inspiration

A sensory performance art piece.  A visual mixture of color, music and movement. Live percussionist and harp, and dancers from the Ailey school. Creative Time and MTA Arts For Transit have joined together to present visual artist Nick Cave and his HEARD-NY.  Performances have been going since Monday and will end Sunday March 31st 11am + 2pm (get there 1/2 hour early to be able to get a seat-kids are allowed a special section).

As someone who performs in public spaces, to get a chance to witness a live (and free) performance art piece is such a thrill. The Vanderbilt Hall is an amazing place on any given day, the high ceilings the natural reverberation, but with Nick Cave's piece it comes alive with delight.

What I loved about my experience watching HEARD-NY were the multi-layered sounds as the dancers fitted under horse costumes (yet so much more than that) the materials dragged and snapped the floor all mixed in with children's voices of glee.

In the summer of 2010 I also enjoyed another Creative Time installation by Paul Rameriez Jonas' Key To The City. You can see what inspires Paul here.

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Natalie Gelman Inspiring LIRR

It's always great to chat with another Music Under New York musician. I passed by Natalie playing in Penn Station (LIRR) singing her song Sweet July and she took a minute to chat with me about what inspires her. She's now living in California. We certainly miss her voice in the NYC transit stations.

Check her out!

edited by Dan Kleederman

What Inspires Diana and Rubin?

LIRR was full of gutsy, honest and passionate commuters today willing to share their raw talent with LIRR station. Never having met before, Diana and Rubin arrived at the same time and with the same thing in common, love of music. And the support of yours truly to give them control of my mic and guitar. Why not? This is what I love about performing in public spaces.

What's their inspiration? Soul and music.


What Inspires Roberto A. Sanchez?

I met Roberto and his wife Mary Jo who were traveling through LIRR station while I was singing. Inspired to listen to my song Jungle, they stopped and we had a chance to chat. A LEED certified Architect, he gave me a passionate and spontaneous conversation about the environment and his definition of Sustainability. Continuing our conversation, he shared what motivates him to want to make a difference in the world.

So what Inspires Roberto A. Sanchez? Doing something for future generations so they can breathe, so future generations can grow things.

And a saying from a Cherokee Chief, "We did not inherit our land from our grand parents. We are borrowing it from our grandchildren and great-grand children. What are we going to leave for them?"

check out Roberto's other clips on my Sustainability page, very inspiring indeed.